We are spirit-filled non-denominational believers, with a God-given concern for the people who will miss the Rapture of the Church in the near future.
What they won't miss, unfortunately, is the last 7 years the world as we know it will have left called the Tribulation period shortly afterwards. It will be a time filled with danger and confusion, and they will have to make difficult decisions that will have eternal consequences.
So we created a survival kit that will help them get through the Tribulation period with the best possible outcome. Our kit does not contain physical survival supplies like food and water, as we could not include nearly enough for 7 years. More importantly, it contains the information they will need in order to survive the ordeal both spiritually and physically. As the saying goes: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
We can create the kits for those who will need them, but we cannot put them in all of the right hands by ourselves. It will take an entire community of believers with the same love and concern to give kits to their family members and friends that will probably not be ready for the Rapture.
If you are a believer and you don't share this information with the people you truly care about, then who will? And what chance will they have without it?
If you are not a believer today, what would it hurt to have a kit stored away just-in-case? It may just become your most valuable possession someday.